Here we’ve got another custom bike been dry built and prepared for ‘Barry the Bastard’ our accountant.
All the frame work has been jigged, corrected and modified, the engine is built and last of all was the headset to finish, then I’ve just got to design the paint work for him. And youre going to love or hate this one.
He had no hydraulic master cylinder and suggested some real low life products – I said ’no, leave it with me’.
So here it is, a MB master cylinder done the 80/90’s way, I used to do these things all the time, but got fed up so made the old MBD hydraulic housing, but cheaper overseas copies ruined our sales so stopped making them.
It looks so simple and normal. But the housings has been cut and modified to the master cylinder, it then welded, machined, fettled and polished – its about a 10 hour job, not something I want to take on for a long time coming!
Yes it’s one of those copy headsets. Barry’s already spent ages fettling it and I’ve carried on for even more hours to get it all to fit. Just when you think its done the Speedo fowls the gear wheel! Always other peoples products, argh but all in a days work or maybe a couple days work.
This has all our MB headset control kit and as usual all the MB parts fitted with no fettling. The light switch is rewired for extra double spots moulded into the legshields and connect and work through our MB AC/DC ignition switch. A headset built with the right bits – transforms how a bike rides!
All in a couple of days work and all in MrBees details!