MB Products – Cylinder studs


Oh the joys of Lambretta and Vespa cylinder studs.

Everyones got an opinion!

Sometimes I just hold my head and say ‘Oh for F@@Ks sake, this is unbelievable!

These are our MB Super – centralising – relieved – longer Lambretta cylinder studs. We’ve made them before and are fantastic and our go to stud on a rebuild when we have them. This big batch is has been coated in Yellow zinc to identify them from previous studs which was Black. We did have an issue with a small amount in the last few years and stopped selling them to avoid any issues of a stud snapping. If you’ve had or get a snapped stud please get in touch so we can sort it out.

We’ve gone back to our expensive machine shop to make this batch and our original top spec material.

The advantages are – longer with longer studs at the cylinder head end, ideal for standard cylinders, cylinders shortened and cylinders with packing plates – short threads in the casing cut to be tight in casings and not bottom out – relieved along the length to help any 4 point seizures – tapered large at the base to centralise gaskets/packers and cylinders.

If you have time there’s a long technical article on cylinder studs, in our Tech-Site, read it you may learn something.


Each stud


Set of 4


Studs, washer, head nuts
