Engine – Repair clean break


I bet surgeons say the same in their coffee meetings – nowt like a clean break are kid! 

It’s how I like them, you can see what’s gone wrong, you can see what needs doing and you haven’t got to grind away all the crap work ‘MrBilly bodge it’ has done. 

What a refreshing change – a clean break!

Just needed grinding out to clean metal, heat the casing, weld it and then machine it.

I class these as easy bread and butter engineering work that I like without the stress!

Simple job I say! To do it you need a fully equipped workshop with various grinders, you need heat, you need a TIG welder and you need a milling machine and thats without all the overheats to do these jobs.

In and out in a day – phoned the customer and wasn’t expecting it done so quickly and didn’t have the money – arghhhhhh.

Oh well all in a days work! 

Another rare Tv casing back on the road.